Huwebes, Nobyembre 10, 2011

Statement of Cash Flow

 The Statement of Cash Flows shows the agency’s cash activities. It reports cash receipts and cash payments and net change in cash resulting from operating, investing and financing activities of an agency during a period, in a format that reconciles the beginning and ending cash balances (NGAS Manual for LGUs)

Below is the Statement of Cash Flow for the Municipality of San Teodoro:

as of 3rd Quarter 2012:

as of 2nd Quarter 2012:

as of 1st  Quarter 2012:

as of 4th Quarter 2011:

 as of 3rd Quarter 2011:

1 komento:

  1. The Statement of Cash Flows, also known as the Cash Flow Statement, is one of the three main financial statements used in accounting and financial reporting. It provides a detailed account of an organization's cash inflows and outflows during a specific period, typically a fiscal quarter or year. The statement is essential for assessing a company's liquidity, solvency, and ability to meet its financial obligations. Moolamore is an advanced accounting application that analyzes, manages, and projects real-time transaction data. Using our cash flow forecasting software and app, you can forecast and estimate your company's future financial position.
