This site was primarily established to comply with DILG MC 2010-83 regarding Full Disclosure of Local Budget and Finances and Bids and Public Offerings. It features the Municipality's Annual Budget, Cash Flows and other related financial records to ensure transparency and accountability. Financial documents from its barangays will also be featured in this site. This blog site will also showcase progress of other municipal projects, consistent with the full disclosure principle on governance.
Huwebes, Pebrero 7, 2013
Lunes, Nobyembre 12, 2012
Bidding Documents - BARANGAY
In compliance with the Republic Act 9184, also known as known as the " Government Procurement reform Act, all LGUs including the barangays must comply with the procedures of procurement.
For purposes of transparency, this post is dedicated for the bidding documents for the barangays of San Teodoro:
3RD QTR 2012
Sabado, Setyembre 22, 2012
Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Fund Utilization
Section 21 of RA 10121 or the Local Disaster Risk" Reduction and Management Fund (LDRRMF) states that the present Local Calamity Fund shall henceforth be known as the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (LDRRMF). Not less than five percent (5%) of the estimated revenue from regular sources shall be set aside as the LDRRMF to support disaster risk management activities such as, but not limited to, pre-disaster preparedness programs including training, purchasing life-saving rescue equipment, supplies and medicines, for post-disaster activities, and for the payment of premiums on calamity insurance.
The LDRRMC shall monitor and evaluate the use and disbursement of the LDRRMF based on the. LDRRMP as incorporated in the local development plans and annual work and financial plan. Upon the recommendation of the LDRRMO and approval of the sanggunian concerned, the LDRRMC may transfer the said fund to support disaster risk reduction work of other LDRRMCs which are declared under state of calamity.
Of the amount appropriated for LDRRMF, thirty percent (30%) shall be allocated as Quick Response Fund (QRF) or stand-by fund for relief and recovery programs in order that situation and living conditions of people In communities or areas stricken by disasters, calamities, epidemics, or complex emergencies, may be normalized as quickly as possible.
Unexpended LDRRMF shall accrue to a special trust fund solely for the purpose of supporting disaster risk reduction and management activities of the LDRRMCs within the next five (5) years. Any such amount still not fully utilized after five (5) years shall revert back to the general fund and will be available for other social services to be identified by the local sanggunian.
Presented below is the LDRRMF Utilization report of the Municipality of San Teodoro:
for the 3rd Quarter, 2012
for the 1st semester, 2012:
Huwebes, Agosto 30, 2012
Gender and Development Program
To ensure that explicit, implicit, actual and potential gender biases are removed, the government embarked on gender and development (GAD) as one of its priority programs. GAD focuses on the principle that development is for all. Everyone in society, female or male, has the right to equal opportunities to achieve a full and satisfying life. Women and men enjoy the same conditions for realizing their full human rights and potentials to contribute to development as well as benefit from the results.
Below is the Municipality of San Teodoro's Accomplishment Report on GAD Program Implementation:
Year 2011 (as of December 30, 2011)
Miyerkules, Mayo 16, 2012
Presented below are the reports on IRA Utilization from the barangays of San Teodoro:
Martes, Mayo 15, 2012
Itemized Monthly Collection and Disbursement - BARANGAYS
Itemized Monthly Collection and Disbursement - BARANGAYS
2nd Quarter 2012
1st Quarter 2012
2nd Quarter 2012
1st Quarter 2012
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